[root@nas1 ~]# lvdisplay
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/vg_bricks/lv_lock
LV Name lv_lock
VG Name vg_bricks
LV UUID rnRNbZ-QFun-pxvS-AS3f-pvn3-dvCY-h3qXgi
LV Write Access read/write
LV Creation host, time nas1.rickpc, 2014-07-04 16:54:20 +0800
LV Status available
# open 1
LV Size 64.00 MiB
Current LE 16
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 253:2
--- Logical volume ---
LV Path /dev/vg_bricks/lv_brick01
LV Name lv_brick01
VG Name vg_bricks
LV UUID BwMD2T-YOJi-spM4-aarC-3Yyj-Jfe2-nsecIJ
LV Write Access read/write
LV Creation host, time nas1.rickpc, 2014-07-04 16:56:11 +0800
LV Status available
# open 1
LV Size 1.50 GiB
Current LE 384
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 253:3
1.5. 安裝GlusterFS and create volumes
想瞭解CTDB與GlusterFS之間是如何運作以及如何安裝GlusterFS和CTDB, 可參考 GlusterFS/CTDB Integration3 和 Clustered NAS For Everyone Clustering Samba With CTDB4.
Install GlusterFS packages on all nodes
$ wget -nc http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.5/LATEST/RHEL/glusterfs-epel.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/glusterfs-epel.repo
$ yum install -y rpcbind glusterfs-server
$ chkconfig rpcbind on
$ service rpcbind restart
$ service glusterd restart
Do not auto start glusterd with chkconfig. 
Configure cluster and create volumes from gluster01
將 gluster02g 加入可信任的儲存池 (Trusted Stroage Pool)
$ gluster peer probe gluster02g
若遇到 gluster peer probe: failed: Probe returned with unknown errno 107, 請參考5
gluster peer status
建立 Volume: 在 glusterfs 的架構中,每一個 volume 就代表了單獨的虛擬檔案系統。
$ yum install -y rpcbind nfs-utils
$ chkconfig rpcbind on
$ service rpcbind start
Configure CTDB and Samba only on gluster01
$ mkdir -p /gluster/lock
$ mount -t glusterfs localhost:/lockvol /gluster/lock
Edit /gluster/lock/ctdb
# Only when using Samba. Unnecessary for NFS.
# some tunables
Edit /gluster/lock/nodes
Edit /gluster/lock/public_addresses eth0 eth0
Edit /gluster/lock/smb.conf
workgroup = MYGROUP
server string = Samba Server Version %v
clustering = yes
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
comment = Shared Directories
path = /gluster/vol01
browseable = yes
writable = yes
Set SELinux permissive for smbd_t on all nodes due to the non-standard smb.conf location
$ yum install -y policycoreutils-python
$ semanage permissive -a smbd_t
We'd better set an appropriate seculity context, but there's an open issue for using chcon with GlusterFS.
Create the following script for start/stop services in /usr/local/bin/ctdb_manage
function runcmd {
echo exec on all nodes: $@
ssh gluster01 $@ &
ssh gluster02 $@ &
case $1 in
runcmd service glusterd start
sleep 1
runcmd mkdir -p /gluster/lock
runcmd mount -t glusterfs localhost:/lockvol /gluster/lock
runcmd mkdir -p /gluster/vol01
runcmd mount -t glusterfs localhost:/vol01 /gluster/vol01
runcmd service ctdb start
runcmd service ctdb stop
runcmd umount /gluster/lock
runcmd umount /gluster/vol01
runcmd service glusterd stop
runcmd pkill glusterfs
1.7. Start services
Set samba password and check shared directories via one of floating IP's.
echo off
echo "%time% (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
echo %time% >> z:/wintest.txt
sleep 2
echo "%time% (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
echo %time% >> z:/wintest.txt
sleep 2
"12:16:49.59 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:16:51.62 (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:16:53.66 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:16:55.70 (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:16:57.74 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:17:41.90 (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:17:43.92 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:17:45.95 (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:17:48.00 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
"12:16:57.74 (-_^) Writing on file in the shared folder...." "12:17:41.90 (^_-) Writing on file in the shared folder...."
紅色兩行的結果, 發現Winodws的連線會有數秒的中斷, 但在數秒後, PC上的test program將重新連上, 符合HA-level recovery